XFM Weekly Report#4
It was foggy this morning and the town I always see was white and fantastic.
Hi, I'm Aiko Yokoe from SONICWARE.
Thank you for your support.
I'll be sharing the development status of LIVEN XFM on this blog every week until it is shipped to those who have pre-ordered it.
LIVEN XFMをプレオーダーしてくださった方に出荷が完了するまでの間、開発状況を本ブログにて毎週シェア致します。
1. Development status and schedule / 開発状況とスケジュール
There are no particular changes from the previous blog post.
Please refer to XFM Weekly Report # 1 for details.
2. Weekly Report/ウィークリーレポート
The final samples have arrived from the factory.
Since there were no quality problems, we will proceed with the preparation of the case.
As for the rubber buttons, we will make a sample next week and check it at the factory.
3. LIVEN Facebook group
LIVEN group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sonicwareliven/
We have been posting various things to this FB group too. So If you have FB account, please join!
4. Connect with us on the following website and SNS!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.yuendo/
Instagram(公式 日本語): https://www.instagram.com/sonicware_jpn/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/yu_endo
Facebook(English): https://www.facebook.com/SONICWARE/
Facebook(公式 日本語): https://www.facebook.com/sonicwarejapan/
ELZ_1 group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sonicware.elz1/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SONICWARE
Web(English): https://www.sonicware.jp/
Web(日本語): https://ja.sonicware.jp/
Thank you,
Aiko Yokoe