XFM Weekly Report #9
It's been raining heavily since yesterday. I hope it will stop soon.
Hi, I'm Aiko Yokoe from SONICWARE. Thank you for your support.
I'll be sharing the development status of LIVEN XFM on this blog every week until it is shipped to those who have pre-ordered it.
LIVEN XFMをプレオーダーしてくださった方に出荷が完了するまでの間、開発状況を本ブログにて毎週シェア致します。
1. Development status and schedule / 開発状況とスケジュール
A small number of 30 units of LIVEN XFM arrived on Monday this week.
All arrivals have been checked and are ready to ship.
As I reported in my previous blog, Malaysia is currently under full lockdown and the plant utilization rate during the lockdown period will drop to 60%.
For the time being, we will be shipping completed XFMs from Malaysia to Japan every week, and will ship them to customers as soon as they are checked in Japan. About 50 units are scheduled to arrive next week.
We cannot calculate exactly how fast we will be able to produce and ship since we are still in the early stages of production, but we are working to achieve our immediate goal (90 units per week).
We expect the lockdown to be lifted and the production line to be speed up, and we will work with the factory to deliver the product to you as soon as possible.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and thank you for your patience.
We will keep you posted on this blog as soon as we have new information.

2. LIVEN Facebook group
LIVEN group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sonicwareliven/
We have been posting various things to this FB group too. So If you have FB account, please join!
3. Connect with us on the following website and SNS!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.yuendo/
Instagram(公式 日本語): https://www.instagram.com/sonicware_jpn/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/yu_endo
Facebook(English): https://www.facebook.com/SONICWARE/
Facebook(公式 日本語): https://www.facebook.com/sonicwarejapan/
ELZ_1 group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sonicware.elz1/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SONICWARE
Web(English): https://www.sonicware.jp/
Web(日本語): https://ja.sonicware.jp/
Thank you,
Aiko Yokoe