"CyDrums" March shipments have started. Only a few units left!

XFM Weekly Report #25

The sky is blue and there is not a cloud in the sky. It's cold in the morning, but I hope everyone is feeling well.
Hi, I'm Aiko Yokoe from SONICWARE. Thank you for your support.



1. Shipping status / 出荷状況

Shipments to XFM pre-order customers have been completed, and shipments to general order customers can be made at any time after the order is placed.

XFM Weekly Report ends this week.
Thank you for reading this weekly report.



今週をもちましてXFM Weekly Reportは終了となります。

2. LIVEN Facebook group

LIVEN group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sonicwareliven/

We have been posting various things to this FB group too. So If you have FB account, please join!



3. Connect with us on the following website and SNS!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.yuendo/
Instagram(公式 日本語): https://www.instagram.com/sonicware_jpn/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/yu_endo

Facebook(English): https://www.facebook.com/SONICWARE/
Facebook(公式 日本語): https://www.facebook.com/sonicwarejapan/
ELZ_1 group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sonicware.elz1/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SONICWARE

Web(English): https://www.sonicware.jp/
Web(日本語): https://ja.sonicware.jp/

Thank you,
Izumi Kimura